Wednesday 24 January 2018

Tamarind- The Tingle in Your Tooth

Deliciously tangy and one of the most highly prized natural foods in South Asia, the tamarind – the melodic name of which comes from the Persian "Tamar-I-hind," meaning "date of India" – is gaining recognition and appreciation throughout the world. Said to be native to Africa, this exotic fruit grows on exceptionally tall trees of the fabaceae family, such as peas, beans, and other legumes, mostly in the warmer, dryer areas of Asia, Mexico, and India. Tamarind trees produce an abundance of long, curved, brown pods filled with small brown seeds, surrounded by a sticky pulp that dehydrates naturally to a sticky paste. The pods look a bit like huge, brown, overly mature green beans. After harvest, tamarinds are sometimes shelled in preparation for export. From there, they're often pressed into balls and layered with sugary water or syrup; sometimes they're salted.


Myth- There is a myth that ghosts stays on imli (tamarind) trees, which is a reason why villagers do not leave their home after evening also, the tamarind trees are always found outside on the boundaries of the village.

Truth- The truth is, in the evening the amount of carbon dioxide increases and while of oxygen decreases around the tree because of which any person sitting, standing or sleeping around it would feel uncomfortable there are chances for the person to feel lethargic or even committed.

So, there is no paranormal parasite around or on the tree!  

Tamarind Fun Fact

In the Bahamas, large but still unripe tamarind fruits called "swells" are roasted in coals until their skins burst open. The sizzling pulp is then dipped in wood ashes and eaten as a quick snack.

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