Friday 19 January 2018

Star fruit-The Gossip Creator

The five-angled star fruit, also known as carambola, is a waxy, yellow-green fruit that is originated in the sultry, tropical area of Sri Lanka. The fruit grows on a small, bushy evergreen tree, first bearing clusters of small lilac, bell-shaped flowers which become the oblong fruits. Because they're known to be intolerant of cold and actually die in freezing weather, it's best to grow them in more moderate temperatures. Obviously, the most unique visual quality of the star fruit is its shape - that of a perfect star when it's cut across the middle. There are two varieties; the challenge is telling them apart, which you'll want to do, because one is deliciously sweet – described as a cross between an apple and a grape – and the other puckeringly sour. As a general rule, the sweet type has thicker flesh. Some contain two to five tiny, edible seeds in the center of each angled cell. One of the great benefits of star fruit is that the entire thing – waxy coat and all – can be enjoyed.


Myth- Star fruit is safe for patients suffering from chronic diseases! 

Truth- People suffering from chronic kidney disease have to avoid eating star fruit if they value their lives. Around the world, many cases have been documented in which ingestion of the yellow star-shaped fruit led to poisoning of dialysis patients and people with kidney disease. There are a variety of symptoms: from intractable hiccups, vomiting, weakness, mental confusion, and psychomotor agitation, to unusually long-lasting epileptic seizures, coma, and death. In acute cases, only hemodialysis can save the patient. It is clear that star fruit contains an unidentified neurotoxin that healthy people clear out through the kidneys without problems. In those with kidney disease, however, the toxin accumulates and can eventually enter the brain

Star Fruit Fun Fact

Fruit and juice of star fruit facilitate elimination of excess water from the body. They are also used in treatment of cough, jaundice, constipation and bacterial infections. Leaves and root are used in treatment of chickenpox, headache and ringworms.

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